How To Pick A Roommate
Moving in to your very first place on your own can be difficult financially, so to aid your wallet, people often move in with a roommate. This works out great for some people and some people end up disliking the person they are living with for years, to avoid the latter, we’re are going to provide you with a few tips on how to pick a roommate.
1. Lifestyle
This is the most important factor of how to pick a roommate. If you work in the mornings and like to come home and relax in the evenings, it is best you find someone who is similar. You don’t want to get ready for bed and hear your roommate blasting music, especially if it is bad music. You want a roommate who has a similar schedule and lifestyle to yours, it will make your life a lot easier.
2. Good Friends Do Not Equal Good Roommates
People quickly think that their best friend will be the best roommate ever because they have such a great time with each other whenever they meet up. Wrong. You have to consider the fact that you only see this person every once in a while is the reason you have a great time whenever you congregate. Becoming roommates can easily be a downward spiral to a friendship, so choose wisely.
3. Know Their History
This is often over looked because people don’t want to be nosy, or offend anyone, but it should be done. You should know if your roommate is comfortable financially to make payments on time. You don’t want to be caught covering their portion of the rent simply because they didn’t tell you about not having a job. You might hurt some feelings by asking these questions, but it is better than hurting your own pocket a few months down the line.
Moving in with a roommate can put a strain on a relationship, which is up to you. We can help with the strain of moving your items, contact us to get a quote on your move in to your new place.
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